The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Medicaid Waiver is a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program, administered by the New York State Department of Health (DOH) through contractual agreements with Regional Resource Development Centers (RRDC) and Quality Management Specialists (QMS). The RRDC employs the Regional Resource Development Specialist (RRDS) and Nurse Evaluator (NE), who serve specific counties throughout the State.
The Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program uses Medicaid funding to provide supports and services to assist individuals with disabilities and seniors toward successful inclusion in the community. Waiver participants may come from a nursing facility or other institution (transition), or choose to participate in the waiver to prevent institutionalization (diversion).
This program is appropriate for waiver participants who don’t receive proper care and support and those who don’t have access to available care services that are beneficial for their health and well-being.
Waiver services may be considered when informal supports, local, State and federally funded services and Medicaid State Plan services are not sufficient to assure the health and welfare of the individual in the community, or when waiver services are a more efficient use of Medicaid funds.
Philosophy of the Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program
The Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program was developed based on the philosophy that individuals with disabilities and/or seniors have the same rights as others. This includes the right to be in control of their lives, encounter and manage risks and learn from their experiences. This is balanced with the waiver program’s responsibility to assure the waiver participants’ health and welfare.
Waiver services are provided based on the participant’s unique strengths, needs, choices and goals. The individual is the primary decision-maker and works in cooperation with providers to develop a Service Plan. This process leads to personal empowerment, increased independence, greater community inclusion, self-reliance and meaningful productive activities. Waiver participant satisfaction is a significant measure of success of the Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program.
Eligibility criteria to be a participant for the Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program according to www.health.ny.gov:
- Capable of living in the community with needed assistance from available informal supports, non-Medicaid supports and/or Medicaid State Plan services and be in need of one or more Nursing Home Transition Diversion Medicaid Waiver Program services;
- Be eligible for nursing home level of care;
- Be authorized to receive Medicaid Community Based Long Term Care;
- Be at least 18 years of age or older;
- Be considered part of an aggregate group that can be cared for at less cost in the community than a similar group in a nursing home;
- Choose to live in the community as a participant in this waiver rather than in a nursing home;
- Does not participate in another HCBS waiver.
For assistance, Able Body Homecare Agency of NY can help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 718-828-1900.